Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 11 Interests

In chapter 11, I found that peer review seemed pretty helpful and interesting. It also seemed like an easy way to review your rough draft. I liked how your readers of your rough draft would leave a question mark where they didn't understand what you were talking about. It makes a lot of sense. The reader should also leave a star or something to mark that they believed a passage was well written and you got the point across. When the writer leaves a question mark, they should take notes on why they got confused so they can further discuss your error. It is a really helpful idea in my opinion. This will help you get strong feedback and allow you to revise you paper faster. Before you return the paper to the writer, you should look back through to see in what areas they can improve their paper. The peer review should take notes again and inform the writer to make their paper a more successful one.


  1. This response pointed out a lot of good and helpful information. You gave some good pointers about leaving a star and leaving question marks by areas the peer editor didn't understand. Overall, great job!

  2. I agree completely about the peer editing. We should definitely peer edit each other's essays for this class :) I thought you summarized this really well.

  3. I like the bit about leaving a star at a good point. Well done!

  4. i agree with john and juliana. Leaving the star and leaving question marks are great ideas. You summarized this extremely well
