Sunday, October 24, 2010

Long Blog About Sum/Response

Writing in the begininng of this class was very difficult to begin with, but blogging helped tremendously. Blogging allows you to free write quickly and get your thoughts out in the open to review. Comparing the two papers, one was deffinately more difficult. They were both tough, however I seemed to have more  trouble with the first paper. I am unsure if it was because I have not written a paper in a long time or if I was unfocussed. The second paper seemed easier to me, I think because I was getting used to writing again and was so intruiged by the book and the movie. The hardest part of writing both of these papers is starting out and trying to brainstorm ideas to write about. The easiest part was revision, going back and proofreading, changing things, and adding things. Once you get the basic structure, it all falls into place it seems like. I have noticed that I always want to summarize everything and not stick to my thesis. That is my weakness in writing. My strength in writing is revision. I think once I get the basics out of the way, I am pretty good at going back and making my paper better. I feel that peer review is a good thing. I think it really helps you with revision. You get other people's perspectives and opinions which only strengthen your writing. I have noticed little improvements, like making stronger thesis statements. I hope to improve the next paper by having no grammatical errors, a great thesis statement, and strong structure with tension.

Possible topics

-making new products rather than reusing the old versions
-make vehicles more environmentally friendly
-expensive music
-cheaper air transportaion
-make solar power products stronger

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3 Interesting things about technology

In this documentary, I found the "air chair" in the first scene to be really cool. It seemed like it was made from rubber or some really comfortable medium. Hence the name, "air chair." I also found it interesting that there are so many designers thinking and designing everything. For example, I would have never known that so many people thought about the grip on a potato pealer that intensely. I never thought so many people were involved in the process of designing something like that. Also, I was very intrigued by the thought that designers had about their products ending up in landfills. That thought alone kind of draws me away of ever wanting to design because there are always going to be new products surfacing on the market that people will want more over your product. It was interesting that designers still work so hard even though they know their product will probably not be around forever. It was really cool that the designers in this documentary were aware of environmental safety. For example, mentioning that their products will end up in landfills, they said that their designs should be made of bio-plastic or sugar cane so that they can be broken down in the landfills. I wasn't sure of whether they were actually making their designs of that material but at least they were aware of the pollution factor of old products that consumers no longer want to purchase. Overall, the documentary was very informative and interesting.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Boy and his Dog...

A boy and his dog was very interesting to say the least. Not only was it weird, but it was down right uncomfortable to view. Almost every ten minutes, someone was having sex and using crude language referring to women. The film was literally about a boy and his dog after a nuclear explosion ocurred. It appeared that there were two worlds left after the explosion, the underworld and the other world that the boy and his dog lived for the most part. After the explosion, the boy and his dog had to search for food by digging to the underworld or they often stole other's food while they were digging. The dog also spoke to the boy and only the boy could hear him speak. The two got into some altercations, but could always work it out. The film was really weird and uncomfortable in the sense that all of the men in the film would search for females and use them for sex. They would line up and wait for the next man to get done with a girl and just keep going. I think the dog had a sensor that would sound every time a girl was present. The boy found a girl thanks to the dog's help and tried to use her like the rest of the men. It ended up being interrupted, but then the two finally hooked up. The girl fell in love with the boy and wanted him to go and live with her in the underworld. He was not having that at all. However, he did go down to the underworld for some reason and was then used to impregnate 35 females. After the 35, he was going to be killed, but the girl who loved him saved his life. Then, they were hunted down by some robot, but the boy killed him. The two return to the other world where the nuclear explosion actually occured, and the boy's dog is hurt. He tries to comfort him. All the dog wants is food so the boy says he will get him some. The scene after that is of a fire and the dog and the boy pretty full. It appeared to be that the boy and his dog ate the girl that fell in love with the boy! All in all, I hated this movie. It was probably the worst movie I have ever watched. It was disgusting and so unbelievably uncomfortable to sit through. It was not only extremely boring, it was creepy, gross, and weird.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scene explanation

The scene that I am going to explain is the final scene. It begins with Rick Deckard searching for Pris and Roy. He goes to The Bradbury hotel and enters J.F. Sebastion's apartment. It is full of toys and "friends." Rick knows something is up because he has his gun ready. He scans the room and carefully looks for replicants. Then he notices one that resembles humans a little bit more than others. It is covered in a veil so he begins to unveil the being, and suddenly it kicks him. The being is Pris and she was trying to hide from Rick. She knocks the breath out of him and begins to choke him with her legs. He then shoots her and her body freaks out and begins to spasm. Then, Roy comes back downstairs after killing Tyrell. He sees Pris and kisses her. Then, he searches for Rick. The two begin to fight and go back and forth. Suddenly, Roy realizes he is dying because his hand starts to shrivel up and his body is not working as well, so he jams a nail through it to wake him up a little and prevent his death from coming too soon. At this point Rick is hanging off of a ledge and Roy decides to help him and pull him up to safety. Rick is quite frightened by Roy, so he creeps into a corner. Finally. Roy dies and lets his dove go up into the blue sky. This was probably the most confusing scene to me in the whole movie because I thought the blue sky was simple poor editing but apparently it was Rick's memory or something. Overall, I did like this movie and found it very confusing and misleading.