Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3 Interesting things about technology

In this documentary, I found the "air chair" in the first scene to be really cool. It seemed like it was made from rubber or some really comfortable medium. Hence the name, "air chair." I also found it interesting that there are so many designers thinking and designing everything. For example, I would have never known that so many people thought about the grip on a potato pealer that intensely. I never thought so many people were involved in the process of designing something like that. Also, I was very intrigued by the thought that designers had about their products ending up in landfills. That thought alone kind of draws me away of ever wanting to design because there are always going to be new products surfacing on the market that people will want more over your product. It was interesting that designers still work so hard even though they know their product will probably not be around forever. It was really cool that the designers in this documentary were aware of environmental safety. For example, mentioning that their products will end up in landfills, they said that their designs should be made of bio-plastic or sugar cane so that they can be broken down in the landfills. I wasn't sure of whether they were actually making their designs of that material but at least they were aware of the pollution factor of old products that consumers no longer want to purchase. Overall, the documentary was very informative and interesting.

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